Fig Scores

My Fig Collection

The 100 Gram Club

The Fig Thesaurus

The Ultimate Breba Fig List

Nurseries that sells figs

Monday, November 14, 2016

Finally got my greenhouse and just in time for Winter

I've been wanting a greenhouse for the last couple years. It's almost a must for some of the plants and fruits that I like to grow, which are mainly tropical.

My wife has been tolerant of me loading up the plants in the house and in the garage in the past couple of years.

I ended up buying the Climapod. It was the best looking and it the right budget for me. It also helped that they were local so the pick up was easy and I had no delivery fees.

You have to assemble it yourself but I've been extremely busy so I ended up hiring the folks who sold it to me to assemble it. As any of you who may have built one knows it can be longer than a weekend project to do. 

The guys from Climapod were amazing! They worked hard and tirelessly in the rain. Hats off to the amazing product and great customer service!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Hardy Kiwis a comparison of a fresh off the tree and trader Joes store bought

After 3yrs in ground my Hardy Kiwis finally produced a small bunch of fruit for me. In the video below I compare my Anna kiwis to the store bought trader Joes kiwis.

How to ship a fig plant

I do a little bit of trading with fig collectors throughout the yr. This video shows how I go about shipping a larger tree through the mail.

Growing Jujube's in Seattle


Jujube's are a delicious apple/date like fruit. It's also known as the Chinese Date or Korean date. They store well and are a great snack. 

The taste can be compared to a crunchy apple but interestingly enough the more you chew the sweeter it tastes. 

I have a Li and Lang jujube planted in ground without any protection in Seattle. The video below is the progress from flower (June) to ripe fruit (October). Enjoy!