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Friday, December 29, 2017

Major Fail

I spent a pretty penny on some cuttings from one source and 99% of them failed. They were kind enough to send other cuttings but again those also all failed.

I know my technique in rooting isn't bad since my success rate is about 75+% with other cuttings. Which leads me to believe the cuttings sent were not fresh and not viable.

It was a an expensive lesson.

Malcara Alaca
Balkanlarin Grisi
Giant Croatian
Type 208
Dumanli Kara
Bademli Green
Malcara Alaca
Red Unk

In case you were thinking of buying some I wouldn't recommend it.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The allure of Striped figs

Variegated plants have long been valued by gardeners. Plants that exhibit this trait seem to come off as more attractive somehow. Variegated plants are used in gardens to break the sold colors and act as accent colors to beautify the garden.

Striped/variegated figs are also highly prized among collectors.  If you thought the panache was the only striped fig out, well be prepared to be blown away be the list below.

You're not going to find any of these varieties in any nursery. They can only be found with a few rare fig collectors.

However it's hard to keep them straight so hopefully with this post I can help clarify the differences of each variety.

This is my Pastilerre, strangely enough it produces striped figs.

So what's the allure of stripes on figs? Is it because it's rare? Is it the simple beauty of stripes, or are we seduced by the value that others put on them?

Here's a list of striped Figs:

Panache aka Bordissot Blanca Rimada aka Bizzarria di Sori aka Tiger
white /semi yellow with green stripes and a red pulp.

The panache are the most common of all the stripped figs, they can be easily found in specialty nurseries that carry figs. My personal experience with them is that they are terrible variety for Seattle. They require a very long ripening season and they begin to fruit quite late. Even in a green house I've never been able to get even close to a ripe fruit. 

Jolly Tiger
Originally came from Japan, imported into the US where it earned it's name. The leaves exhibit variegation.

Rigato del Salento
Green and White striped with a Amber pulp.

This fig is a mutation of the Dottato.  Produces Brebas. There appears to be a couple strains of the RDS. one from the Paolo Belloni which produces larger figs and brebas and another from Punto Verde nursery in Lecce and unifere.

RDS Bifere

Photo Credit: Rafael PB version

RDS Unifere

Photo credit: artisanalfigs

Striped fig from Tuscany

Native to Elba Island. Tastes has been described as sweet and sugary

photo credit: Valerio Ventura

Photo Credit: Rafael

Cole De Dame Rimada
Spanish Variety 

Col De Dame Mutante
This striped fig is a mutation of the Col De Dame Noire. Spanish fig from the Col De Dame Family

Martinenca Rimada
A unifere fig from the Balearic Islands. Made popular by Mr. Montserrat Pons.

Fiorone Oro AKA Fiorone Oro Rosato
Bifere fig that produces Brebas. Yellow and green stripes with amber pulp. Named by Francesco

There is also an uncirculated version of Oro Bianco that has a lighter pulp.

Paratjal Rimada

Bordissot Negra Rimada

Rosso Striato (Red Striped)

Fracazzano Multicolore
Bifere fig

Photo credit: Adam

Campaniere ** - Figues du Monde

Variegated Zochita

Here's another rare unknown mutation discovered by Sonia Gioia and verified by Dr. Paolo Belloni. Let's call this guy, The X-Men fig. Ok just kidding.

** With exception to the Panache, these photos are not mine and are referenced as informational from the other collectors. I'm grateful for their beautiful photos.

NJfigfarm Website - Cold Hardy Varieties

Another source for cold hardy figs our of New Jersey

I have personally bought from Aaron, great looking cuttings. Lots of unknowns from the New Jersey area. I figure if they can ripen in NJ they should be able to fine here in Seattle.

French Fig Farm by Rich

Classy French Fig Seller based out of New York.

Richard and Marilena

"We are an e-nursery in the Metro NYC area that specializes in fig tree varieties from France. We also have a few excellent varieties from Italy, Spain and Greece.

French Fig Farm LLC is a State of New Jersey inspected nursery and sells fig trees via our web site. All of our fig trees are grown on site. Our plants are primarily shipped by mail. We can also drop off trees to customers at NYC Penn Station or at the Radburn Station in Fair Lawn, New Jersey.  Local Special Delivery is also available. Due to zoning restrictions and not wanting to call attention to ourselves, we do not have a retail operation."

Will's Figs Website is now up and running

Another reputable seller. Wills Figs. Based out of Florida

"My name is WillsC owner of Wills Figs a Federally and state of Florida licensed fig nursery and an online fig discussion forum.  My journey with figs started years ago when a neighbor gave me a single fig plant, I was hooked and since then there has been much trial and error but has been an enjoyable learning experience.  Currently growing over 400 varieties of figs and adding more as I can find them."

Started by Danny Gentile in his own words.

"Good morning everyone! With Rafed’s permission and with great pride I would like to announce the grand opening of the world's first and only internet marketplace dedicated to everything fig. A website created by a Figger for other Figgers. Finally you’ll be able to safely bid, buy, sell and trade in an open marketplace until your heart’s content. No scammers, no reprisals and no fear of being ripped off. will be carefully monitored and policed at all times. Fraud of any degree will never be tolerated. We will strive for 100% fairness and nothing less. Give us a visit and take a look around; then register and dive right in. is easy to use for sellers, buyers and traders. We’re safe, secure and mobile friendly too. Hope to see everyone there soon.">

Monday, December 18, 2017

A Rainbow of fig cuttings

I know I'm not supposed to buy any more varieties but I can't help it. The beauty and color found on different varieties of figs can be so alluring.

1. Binello
2. Sunfire
3. Preto
4. Bordissot Negra Rimada
5. Martienca Rimada

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The closest so far on my Che fruit

I've had alot of hope for my che tree, but here goes another year with no ripe fruit to show.  This is about the closest I've come. Atleast it got some color.

The Fruit Critter back at it

I was sort of looking forward to my Fuyu persimmons but the fruit critter is back at it and obliterated my entire tree! Time for that trap