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Monday, October 29, 2018

Tasting the Pellegrino Fig 2018

Tasting the Pellegrino Fig 2018
Picked 10/21/18
2 Crops

There are 2 Pellegrinos out there. Mario has one that is more reminiscent of the Longue D'Aout and this one from Vinny that I believe is closer to the Nordland variety.

I moved this fig into the greenhouse to help it ripen. It worked and it gave me 2 very delicious large figs.


110 Grams

This fig can probably top out it's brebas at over 200 grams. I may grow this in ground just to see it's potential. The brebas are the size of footballs. 

Ram in Kirkland says that his Nordlands get very large as well, my hunch is the two varieties are quite similar if not the same fig. The more varieties I add to the collection the more I think it is important to have a reference guide of fig varietal synonyms. 

In the best sense of the word the flavor of the Pellegrino has a classic figgy flavor. Sightly berried tone but with a strong accent of dried figs, the kind you would find in the stores. 

I actually enjoyed this fig. It was big, juicy, and sweet. 

Pellegrino (10/21/18) 
Main crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 8
Size: 12 (110 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 39

*Sao Luis Fig Tasting 2018

Tasting the *Sao Luis Fig
Picked 10/28/18
1 Crop

This fig came to me as Black Madeira, by all accounts it looks exactly like it from the exterior. It's not until I cut into it that you see that it clearly is not. The interior of the this figs is amber yellow.

The leaves are single lobed with a little some showing some thumbs on each side. 

Unfortunately it has been raining a lot lately and the skin has crackled quite a bit on this fig. 

If you look closely you can see a drip of honey from this fig. 

This is a bit of honey on my pinky when I picked it. 

61.9 grams is a very respectable size.


So from what I have read Sao Luis is one of 29 figs Ira Condit reported on from Portugal that was actually very good. When it's pollinated the pulp turns pinkish, when it is not pollinated it stays this yellow amber color.

This fig has not disappointed. Its a honey fig that has a nice firm syconium texture and good taste.  I'll keep it around just for the beauty of it in comparison to the Back Madeira.  For the most part it is considered late here in Seattle. Definitely not an in ground candidate. 

*Sao Luis (10/28/18
1 Crop
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 7 (61.9 grams)
Productivity: 5
Total = 28

Tasting the Tauro Main Crop Fig 2018

Tasting the Tauro Main Crop Fig 2018
Picked 10/21/18
2 Crops

2018 Breba

I think I rushed to pick this fig. Luckily there's still a couple more on the tree that I'll let ripen.

This fig has a really early breba. So it might be a candidate for in ground.

66.5 Grams

I258, White Madeira, and Tauro

This fig was clearly unripened when I picked it. I definitely should have waited another few days to pick it. However, I can't help but to taste and review all new varieties.

It was actually semi sweet and decent for an unripe fig.  The score below reflects this fig in the photo. I did manage to taste a much better fig that ripened in an update review.

Tauro (10/21/18) 
Main crop
Taste: 6
Sweetness: 6
Size: 7 (66.5 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 23

Updated Review


This Tauro main crop picked a week later than the one above was a good fig.  Nice firm skin and sweet. I gobbled up the entire fig. It's not a top 10 fig for taste but what I like about it is it's a 2 crop fig with and early breba and a large main crop that will ripen here. (greenhouse advised). 

Tauro (10/28/18) Updated properly ripe fig
Main crop
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: 7 (66.5 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 25.5

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

White Madeira #1 Fig Studio Photos

White Madeira #1

The White Madeira #1 has really proven to be one of the tastiest figs in the collection. This was also the last fig on the tree. The slugs left this one alone. So I took advantage of this beauty and grabbed some studio shots of it.