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Friday, February 19, 2016

Just when I thought I was done buying cuttings...

It's a fine line between collecting and hoarding. With the weather warming and the leaves budding on some of our trees, I'm all of a sudden recharged with the zest of growing figs and gardening.

Buying new figs cuttings, is like the mob, just when you think you're done it sucks you right back in.

I was pretty sure that I did not need any new varieties of figs last year but with so many new cuttings flooding Ebay and the forums it's hard to resist.  Some call this "retail therapy" maybe because it's such an elated serotonin induced feeling to see a new box show up at the door. It's like having the fun of opening presents year around vs just at Christmas time. However instead of a crappy pair of socks you get exactly what you want.  Well whatever it is, if it brightens up your day and lifts you up from the grey gloom of winter then just do what makes you happy. =)

So far for this year I've purchased cuttings for the following varieties.

Black Madeira: I'm on a bit of a Black Madeira quest
12/20/15 - 3 cuttings from Ebay seller sgtwardog - $25 Currently rooting hopefully they are real, I'm reading that this seller is a scammer
1/29/16 - 4 Cuttings from Amazon Daniel M - $40 - Currently Rooting
2/18/16 - 4 Cuttings from Ebay seller rfactor12 - $64
2/18/16 - 3 Cuttings from Ebay seller Churl82 - $67
2017 - Black Madeira prepayment for a 4 rooted plants grown by webaisles greenfingardens - $60

1/15/16 Zingarella x2 from growgr.55 on Ebay - $14
2/01/16 Vasilika Sika x3 from 77peony on Ebay - $19
2/2/16 Black Bethlehem x3 & Sals Corleone x5 from $27
2/8/16 Lebanese Black Purple x2 from nixgardens on Ebay - $26
2/14/16 Green Goliath from gurki.wruschi66 on Ebay - $64
2/14/16 Fiorone di Ruvo x3 from churl82 on Ebay - $54
2/18/16 Vincenzo x3 from momof6k on Ebay $15
2/18/16 Genovese Nero Rob's version x4 from Harvey C - $30
2/18/16 Gros Monstreuse di Lipari x4 from Harvey C - $20

2017 Greenfin has a special which he will take preorders on and will grow your cuttings then ship them to you. $147

-Black Madeira x4
-Florea x1
-I-258 x1
-Maltese Beauty x1

Update: 2/26/16 I had to get a few more from Harvey. =)

Igo (Prusch Park version) Cuttings 1 2/26/2016  $5.00 
Socorro Black Cuttings 3 2/26/2016  $30.00
Bourjasotte Grise Cuttings 3 2/26/2016  $30.00
GM 172 Cuttings 2 2/26/2016  $15.00
Emalyn's Purple Cuttings 2 2/26/2016  $20.00
Italian 376 Cuttings 4 2/26/2016  $20.00
Florea Cuttings 2 2/26/2016  $15.00
Malta Purple Red (GM-1) Cuttings 1 2/26/2016  $15.00

I'm sure this isn't the end of it since I am still in search of LSU Jack Lily, Danny's delight, and Genovese Nero... for now.

I'll probably end up trying to graft some of the black madeiras to other root stocks this year. Stay tuned for that project.

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