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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Can Dragon Fruit Survive the Seattle Winters?

I was getting a bit tired of having my Dragon fruit inside so I threw it out on my deck for Summer. We'll it did nothing but grow. And now that I have 2 young kids in the house. I didn't want a prickly vine cactus accident to happen, so I left it out on the deck but next to the sliding glass door. So far so good. No frost damage even after 2 snowfalls. The heat coming off of the sliding doors has pretty much kept the Cactus safe from frost.

I'm glad because this thing is only going to get bigger with time and I do not want to drag it back into the house.

My Jaboticaba has also done surprisingly well on the deck. It's still holding all of it's leaves. I may want to try the Jamaican cherry as well out on the deck. It can withstand down to 28F temps. But next to the sliding glass door on the deck, I'm sure it won't dip below 32F. But since it's my only tree, I do not want to risk it until I can create a clone.

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