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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

It's like Black Friday for Figs!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sunglasses, tree and outdoor

Harvey is almost synonymous with the American Fig culture. He has an amazing reputation, a great website and arguably one of the largest collections of figs in the US. He's also a very fair and stand-up guy.

He grows his figs out of California and has over 350 varieties in his collection. Not everything is available for sale until he verifies the variety to be true. That's a big service to us collectors. Since there are too many folks trying to make $$$ before verifying what they truly have. Every year he culls varieties that are too similar so that he can distribute only the best to his customers.

Towards the end of the January, he sells his fig cuttings to the general public. And just like Black Friday for most folks, when Harvey opens his web page it's a mad dash for folks to click and buy the best varieties 1st.

This year, I did get the majority of what I wanted but I missed out on the Paratjal Rimada and RDS BV. Luckily for me Harvey contacted me last minute about some extra Sanguinatos, so I'm stoked to be getting some of those cuttings.

His cuttings are top notch, long and thick and fresh. Some can be cut down to two cuttings.

Here's a list of what I got. I went back for seconds LOL.

1st order
Cyprus 2
Dels Ermitans 2
Figo Sofeno Escuro 2
GM172 Gozo Girl 3
Hative De Argentueil 3
Lampeira Prusch 2
Maltese Beauty 1
Mega Celeste 2
Patlican  2
Planera  2
Sierra 2
Tres Ao Prato 2
Tsapleosiko 2
2nd order 
Hirschstetten 3
GM202 3
Albacor de Molla Blanca 1
GM149A Gozo Rose 1
Gulbun 1
Baleares Plot 3  1
Melanzana 1
I376  3
White Adriatic 1
Sanguinato 2

Harvey's a great guy and I greatly respect his work.

* REf:

His youtube:


  1. What would you say is the most sought after/hardest to get?

  2. there's a yellow algerian fig that Dato Syed Elias has that is quite rare and very expensive. You're looking at a $1000 for a cutting.
