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Monday, June 29, 2020

One of the best fig Brebas I have is an Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ben! I just discovered your website in searching for how to get my Desert King main crop to ripen. We just got the last of the brebas off the day before yesterday and the second crop look bigger than they ever have before, so I thought they might ripen this year. But from seeing what you and others wrote in the comments to one of your videos, I see that isn't likely.

    I'm curious about some things you said in this video. One, that this "unknown" fig is definitely not a Desert King. Why is it for sure not? It looks so much like my DK. (The only fig tree I have or know anything about.) Are the leaves really different? I see the shape of the fruit is a little different than ours. I'm sure you know what you're talking about, because you know WAY more about figs than I do. I'm just curious.
    Also, I'm wondering that you said your brebas were done a few days ago and if I saw it correctly, you recorded that at the end of June. Wow! Is Seattle that different from Portland? Ours come in mid-July through 1st week in August. We had a huge crop this year, at least a couple of hundred, I think. I wish I had kept track, but we were so busy harvesting and trying to find people to take them so they wouldn't spoil!
    Thanks for an entertaining website and great videos. I love how your darling son has a "sixth sense for fig eating"! :)
