Fig Scores

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2019 Fig Scores

Four Categories to judge for: Taste/Flavor, Sweetness, Size, Productivity
10 is Highest and 1 is the lowest.

Flavor Profiles:
Melon - Not as sweet as Honey similar to Honeydew or Agave ex:
Strawberry Jam - Almost no acidity or seed crunch: ex Chicago Hardy
Raspberry Jam - More acidic with seed crunch Ex: White Madeira
Honey - Ex Peter's Honey
Honey Berry - a mix between berries and honey my favorite kind ex: Vincenzo

Size Chart in grams: Size should not be weighted as much as the actual taste of the fig. This year I'm cutting these numbers in half
1 = 1-20
2 =21-40
3 =41-60
4 =61-80
5 = 81-100
6 = 101-120
7 = 121-140
8 = 141-160
9 = 161-180
10 =181-200+

Productivity will be calculated by total figs divided by how many branches. So the result will be a number that shows the average amount of figs per branch.


.5 = 1 fig for every 2 branches
1 = 1 fig per branch
2 = 2 figs per branch

10 is Highest and 1 is the lowest. (An average fig for me would be a 6.5-7)

10 = Black Madeira
1 = Wuhan

Sweetness Level:
10 is Highest and 1 is the lowest.

Peter's Honey main crop would be a 9
White Kadota I had from 2 years ago would be a 2 - it was bland as water

This list will change as the year goes by. I will score brebas as well as main crop. This is very subjective to Seattle's zone 8B and my personal preference. However I would love to hear about your top tasting fig in the comments below in your area.

Keep in mind a high total score doesn't indicate a great tasting fig. Depends on what you value out of a fig. Taste, sweetness, size, or productivity? Or maybe a well rounded fig.


  1. where do you buy fig tree or cutting?

  2. Many places, ebay, ourfigs, fig addiction, willsfigs, njfigfarm, gardencrochet, figbid, online nurseries

  3. Hi, enjoyed your web site.
    I will send you some pictures of a breba fig that we grow commercially in Marlborough, New Zealand.
    The New Zealand name is Vlassof, the name of the person who first brought cuttings into this country. The source country of the cuttings is unknown and hence the "real" name is not known.
    We mostly pack in 23 count trays, with tray weights up to 3.5 kg.

  4. Hey Ben, my name is Gil and I've been following your YouTube channel for quit some time. I really respect your opinion and all last year I've been trying to find a golden question is where would I find this cutting if not on eBay? It's actually really difficult to find. Any help would be appreciated thanks!

  5. Howdy Ben!

    How are you 2019 figs doing? I'm in Shoreline and it feels as though I may have missed my brebas completely this year, though there are enough figs on trees to give me some hope.

  6. They are behind, the late winter did some alot of damage to my trees.

  7. Growing figs for the first time and quickly becoming addicted! I'm looking for a Golden Riverside and Takoma Violet. Any leads?? Are you still selling cuttings or plants?? Thank you for sharing your passion!
