Friday, May 3, 2019

Black Pussy Willow - Salix Gracilistyla 'Melanostachys - Bonsai

Black Pussy Willow Bonsai - Salix Gracilistyla 'Melanostachys'

I was at Flower World in Monroe, when I came across this neglected black pussy willow. It has one of the nicest trunks I've seen and figured it would be interesting to try and turn it into a bonsai.

I did some major pruning and saved the cuttings. As willows root very easily. I'm a sucker for propagating plants.

There were some pretty major tap roots that I had to contend with but they came off with a few minutes of sawing.

The large cuts were covered with cut paste to heal the wound.

I may hack some more of the larger branches or air layer as the plant begins to flush out it's leaves. I'm not totally in love with the large branch on the right. We'll see.

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