Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My 1st fig of the season for 2019 Cul D'Asse

Cul D'Asse Fig Tasting.
Picked 7/16/2019

This was a fantastic tasting Breba. So refreshing. Like fresh strawberries without the acidity. I also love the fact that is seem to be quite productive and wants to push out fruit growth with determination.

A winner and a keeper for me.

Cul D'Asse: Breba (7/16/19) - 2yr old plant
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7
Size: 3 (45 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 19


  1. Thanks for sharing, but it could be better if you can add more information about is it grow in ground or in pot, totally growing in green house or just greenhouse head started...

  2. This has been in a misco pot. Grown out side since spring. it was protected in the winter which is probably why the brebas survived the late winter snap in March
