Bill greeted us with a big smile and firm hand shake. I was excited to see his fig trees and he was equally excited about talking to us about them.
Bill likes to keep it simple. He's been growing them for 30yrs without a greenhouse, so he knows what works in our climate. He's a big fan of DK and BT. They are grown all over his property in Seattle.
During our tour, you can sense his passion for figs even after such a long time growing them.
This is his fence of fig trees comprised of Mission, Peter's Honey, Brown Turkey, Celeste, and DK.
Bill's mother Desert King Tree is 30yrs old
Bill grafts his figs and keeps them humid with grocery bags.
I had a good time talking to Bill, he keeps things simple and has learned and developed his own ways to grow and propagate figs through the years. I'm glad we became friends. Figs are incredible that way, it can bring people together from all walks of life.
Thanks and happy figging!
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