Well within the restaurant were these beautiful bonsai'ed caudiform, cactus and succulents. So I asked the waiter if she knew the name of the plants. She didn't, so I asked the owner and he said they belong to his father and that he didn't know either.
Well being the plant lover that I am I did some research and after 4 hrs of google searches I found out that they were adeniums and cyphostemma juttae.
With further research I learned that adeniums are quite easy to grow and came in so many different varieties. And the are quite beautiful.
Cyphostemma juttae are a bit more rare but an grow quite large and be bonsai'd to look like different things. Which I find very intriguing.
When I got home I ordered a couple plants and some seeds.
Cyphostemma juttae
Adenium seeds