Monday, September 17, 2018

Dang you heavy rains!

I've been anticipating my Golden Riverside all year. Babying this thing and feeding it regularly. The tree has responded well and is loaded with extra large fruit this year.

Some of the fruit look ripe but to the touch they are still pretty firm. I did not want to pick it until it was at optimal ripeness. Figs do not ripen off the tree like other fruit do.

This is the largest fig ever from this tree. It topped out at 151 grams. A monster fig! However we've been having heavy rains all week and it caused the largest fig on the tree to split.

Sadly I knew what I had to do. I had to pick it off even though it was still quite firm. I want the energy from the tree going into the remaining figs instead of this monster with a huge split in it.

Plus I didn't want it to spoil and lose the opportunity of tasting it.

The beautiful thing about mid September is that it's when most figs begin to ripen. from left to right.

Sicily, Ronde De Bordeaux, Ben's Golden Riverside, Black Zadar, and Takoma Violet

The perfect snack plate for Sunday Football! Amongst my guest for the day they picked the Golden Riverside as their favorite fig.

151 Grams on this beast!

When I cut into it, the fig felt firm. However the inside of it was further developed than I thought. This fig has taken on so many appearances throughout the yrs. It's quite interesting to see.

So the moment of truth the taste test. I bit into the fig like eating a pear almost. The syconium was very firm but the pulp was sweet and very pleasant. Even on a fig that was not fully ripened. Flavor wise it's like a honey fig with a hint of jam. Sweetness was still quite good at this stage.

For a giant fig to be productive, taste good, and ripen in September here in Seattle. I have to crown it as the new king for main crop figs here in the PNW!!!!

The many faces of Golden Riverside




November 2015

October 2015

Hard to believe that they are the same fig. But they are. 

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