Friday, September 14, 2018

Tasting the Brandon Fig 2018

The Brandon Fig.
Picked on 9/13/18 Main crop.
2 crops

2017 Breba
2017 Main

For some reason or another. My Brandon Figs did not score too well this year. First of all it didn't grow any brebas and only gave me a main crop. Which is disappointing considering the brebas on this tree tastes better than the main crop.

It may have been affected when the landscapers moved some of my figs to work. This one may have been out of reaching of my sprinklers.

The color and stripes on the fig this year looks extremely attractive.

Almost 20 grams.

The flavor on this fig may have been affected by the fact that it wasn't getting enough water through out the summer. I repotted this fig 2 weeks ago and it responded very well by ripening these two figs. But it may have been too late to let these ripen in the optimal conditions.

The flavor was somewhat watered down and I was disappointed compared to last years figs.

Which brings up an important thought about figs. They are finicky, especially when grown in pots. All of the inground figs had a much more consistent taste and size to them.

From left to right: Brandon, Takoma Violet, Zingarella, Jack Lily and Italian plums. This was my haul for 9/13/18

Brandon (9/13/18
Taste: 6
Sweetness: 5
Size: 2 (19.5 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total 14

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