Monday, October 8, 2018

Tasting the Beyernfeige Violetta Fig 2018

Tasting the Beyernfeige Violetta Fig 2018
Picked 10/06/18

The more figs I collect the more important it is to me that my collection doesn't have too many similar redundant figs. The Beyernfeige Violetta certainly looks different from most others I have. So I'm pretty happy about that.

This fig is a German Fig and I've been pronouncing it all wrong thanks to a couple folks on youtube who have added some info.

It's actually a renamed Eastern Brown Turkey supposedly and is one of the most common figs in middle Europe.


22.9 Grams

This will be a quick review because I do not think this fig properly ripened. There could be a number of factors. Too cold, too much rain, not enough heat or maybe a combination of things.

The flavor was berry and jammy but not sweet. The flavors were very subtle and just plain not good to eat.

I'll give this guy a little more TLC and a bigger pot next season and see how well it responds to it. Til next year little figgy.

Beternfeige Violetta (10/06/18) May not have been properly ripened
Main crop
Taste: 4.5
Sweetness: 5
Size: 3 (22.9 grams)
Productivity: .3
Total = 12.3

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