Fig Scores

My Fig Collection

The 100 Gram Club

The Fig Thesaurus

The Ultimate Breba Fig List

Nurseries that sells figs

2018 Fig Scores

2018 Fig Taste Scores

Four Categories to judge for: Taste/Flavor, Sweetness, Size, Productivity
10 is Highest and 1 is the lowest.

Size Chart in grams:
1 = 1-10
2 =11-20
3 =21-30
4 =31-40
5 = 41-50
6 = 51-60
7 = 61-70
8 = 71-80
9 = 81-90
10 =91-100+

Productivity will be calculated by how many figs divided by how many branches. So the result will be a number that shows the average amount of figs per branch.


.5 = 1 fig for ever 2 branches
1 = 1 fig per branch
2 = 2 figs per branch

10 is Highest and 1 is the lowest. (An average fig for me would be a 6.5)

10 = Black Madeira
1 = Wuhan

Sweetness Level:
10 is Highest and 1 is the lowest.

Peter's Honey would be a 9
White Kadota I had from 2 years ago would be a 2 - it was bland as water

This list will change as the year goes by. I will score brebas as well as main crop. This is very subjective to Seattle's zone 8B and my personal preference. However I would love to hear about your top tasting fig in the comments below in your area.

Keep in mind a high total score doesn't indicate a great tasting fig. Depends on what you value out of a fig. Taste, sweetness, size, or productivity? Or maybe a well rounded fig.

**The date is when I picked the fruit.

Breba Only
Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 6
Size: 4 (35 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total = 17

Breba Only
Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 6.5
Size:  6(56 grams)
Productivity: 1.3
Total = 20.3

Natalina: Breba (7/7/18) - 2yr old plant
Breba Only
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: 2 (12 grams)
Productivity: 2
Total = 19.5 

Taste: 7
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 7 (61 grams)
Productivity: 6
Total =  26.5

Palermo Sicily Fig (7/6/18) 3yr old plant
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 2 (19 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total =  19.5

Black Zadar Fig (7/18/18) 2yr old plant
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: 6 (50 grams)
Productivity: 5
Total =  25.5

Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 6 (51 grams)
Productivity: 2.5
Total =  24 

Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 5 (48 grams)
Productivity: .3
Total =  21.3

Taste: 5.5
Sweetness: 5
Size: 7 (67 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total =  21.5

Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7
Size: 11 (102 grams)
Productivity: 5
Total =  31.5

Taste: 8
Sweetness: 6
Size: 2 (10.7 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total =  16

Taste: 6
Sweetness: 4.5
Size: 16 (155 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total =  27.5

(Might be a Kadota)
Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 8
Size: 4 (31 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total =  22

Taste: 5.5
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 7 (60 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total =  23

Taste: 5.5
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 1 (7 grams)
Productivity: 2
Total = 15

Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7
Size: 5 (43 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 24

Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7
Size: 75.5 (8 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 26

Taste: 7
Sweetness: 6
Size: 81.6 (9 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total = 22.5

Granthams Royal: Breba (8/22/18) 3yr old plant
Breba only
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 5  (42.2 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 21.5

Jack Lily (8/22/18) 3yr old plant
1 Crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 4  (39 grams)
Productivity: 4.5
Total = 22

Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: 6 (55 grams)
Productivity: .25
Total = 20.75

Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 8
Size: 3 (22 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 19.5

1 crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 3 (26 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 20.5

1  Crop
Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 6
Size: 3 (23.6grams)
Productivity: 5
Total =  20.5

1 crop
Taste: 5
Sweetness: 5
Size: 2 (11.9 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 15

Taste: 2
Sweetness: 3
Size: 2 (13.9 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 8

1 crop
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 8 
Size: 3 (22 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total = 19

Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7 
Size: 6 (56.5 grams)
Productivity: 6
Total = 26.5

1 crop
Taste: 9
Sweetness: 8.5
Size: 4 (36 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total  25.5

Taste: 6
Sweetness: 5
Size: 2 (19.5 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total 14

Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 10 (94.5 grams)
Productivity: 5
Total =  31

1 crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 7
Size: 7 (62.3 grams)
Productivity: 2
Total = 23

1 crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 3 (22.3 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 21.5

1 crop
Taste: 9
Sweetness: 8
Size: 8 (71.4 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 29

1 crop
Taste: 10
Sweetness: 8.5
Size: 16 (151 grams)
Productivity: 6
Total = 40.5

Main Crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 2 (15.1  grams)
Productivity: 2
Total = 18.5

1 crop
Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 2 (16 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total = 15.5

1 crop
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 8
Size: 4 (31.7 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 24.5

Main Crop
Taste: 5.5
Sweetness: 5.5
Size: 6 (50 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 21

1 crop
Taste: 9
Sweetness: 8
Size: 5 (44 grams)
Productivity: 10
Total = 33

Mis labeled Black Madeira (9/19/18)
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 8.5
Size: 4 (37.9 grams)
Productivity: 5
Total = 26

Main crop
Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 6
Size: 2 (16.3 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 16

1 crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 7
Size: 2 (13.1 Grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 13

1 crop
Taste: 5
Sweetness: 5
Size: 2 (13.1 Grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 13

Main Crop
Taste: 5.5
Sweetness: 6
Size: 5 (46 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 19.5

1 crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 7
Size: NA
Productivity: NA

1 crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: NA
Productivity: NA

1 crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: NA
Productivity: NA

1 crop
Taste: 5
Sweetness: 5
Size: NA
Productivity: NA

1 crop
Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: NA
Productivity: 4

Taste: 9
Sweetness: 9
Size: NA
Productivity: NA

1 crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 4 (30 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 22.5

Taste: 4.5
Sweetness: 5.5
Size: NA
Productivity: NA

Taste: 7
Sweetness: 7
Size: 5 (41 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 23

Taste: 6.75
Sweetness: 7
Size: 3 (21.6 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 16.75

Main crop
Taste: 4.5
Sweetness: 5
Size: 4 (35 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 17.5

Main crop
Taste: 9.75
Sweetness: 9
Size: 5 (40 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 24.75

1 crop
Taste: 6
Sweetness: 6
Size: 2 (14.3 grams)
Productivity: 2
Total = 16

Main crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 8.5
Size: 3 (34.4 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 19.5

1 crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 4 (35.8 grams)
Productivity: 2
Total = 21

1 crop
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 7 (67.6grams)
Productivity: 2
Total = 24

Main crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 7
Size: 4 (34.5 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 21

1 crop
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 8
Size: 6 (58.5 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 23.5

1 crop
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 8.5
Size: 4 (39.4 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total = 21.5

Main crop
Taste: 4.5
Sweetness: 5
Size: 3 (22.9 grams)
Productivity: .3
Total = 12.3

Taste: 6.5
Sweetness: 5.5
Size: 4 (34.1 grams)
Productivity: .3
Total = 16.3

Taste: 8.75
Sweetness: 8
Size: 4 (35 grams)
Productivity: .3
Total = 21.05

1 crop
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: 4 (35 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total = 20

1 crop
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: 4 (37.1 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 23.5

1 crop
Taste: 9
Sweetness: 8
Size: 5 (51.1 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 26

1 crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 7
Size: 6 (54.9 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 25

1 crop
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 8.5
Size: 3 (23.9 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 24

1 crop
Taste: 7
Sweetness: 6.5
Size: 6 ( 55.8 grams)
Productivity: 3
Total = 22.5

1 crop
Taste: 9.5
Sweetness: 8.5
Size: 6 (52.5 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 27

1 crop
Taste: 4
Sweetness: 4
Size: 3 (25 grams)
Productivity: .5
Total = 11.5

1 crop
Taste: 9
Sweetness: 8
Size: 4 (35.7 grams)
Productivity: 5
Total = 26

Main crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 8
Size: 8 (75 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 25

Main crop
Taste: 6
Sweetness: 6
Size: 7 (66.5 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 23

Pellegrino (10/27/18) 
Main crop
Taste: 8
Sweetness: 8
Size: 12 (110 grams)
Productivity: 1
Total = 39

Main crop
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7
Size: 7 (66.5 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 25.5

1 Crop
Taste: 7.5
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 7 (61.9 grams)
Productivity: 5
Total = 28

1 Crop
Taste: 5
Sweetness: 5.5
Size: 4 (39 grams)
Productivity: 4
Total = 18.5

Cali Candy
Such a unique and complex flavor for a fig
Taste: 9.5
Sweetness: 9
Size: 2 (13 grams)
Productivity: ?
Total =

Grosse Monstrueuse di Lipari
1 Crop
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 8
Size: 3 (25 grams)
Productivity: ?
Total =

JFE Black Madeira
1 Crop
Taste: 9.5
Sweetness: 9
Size: 3 (27.1 grams)
Productivity: ?
Total =

Ponte Tresa
1 Crop
Taste: 8.5
Sweetness: 7.5
Size: 3 (27.1 grams)
Productivity: ?
Total = 


  1. We are aware and following your 2018s experiences and picks! Thanks

  2. fabulous post Ben - could I send you a wish list with fig trees/cuttings for the future? maybe in December? (along with probably 100 others?!) thanks, Sheryl
